Aurelius Consultancy started a few years ago, but its team of expertise has at least 20 years of risk management and security expertise. We are active in various markets like banking, insurance fund management. We also have expertise in collateral management services.
Our global security expertise is an added value as we can check individuals and companies through world wide data bases. We act if needed to protect the integrity and safety of those involved and will communicate with various governments divisions if required.
Experience is everything in risk management and global security management.
We offer our services not on an hourly fees but on a success fee based on the various underlying projects or transactions that are on the table. This success fee approach mitigates the costs for clients. We are however no party to the underlying transaction and are indemnified as such to the further follow up of these projects and/or transactions.
Our business model is unique as risk management companies usually charge on an hourly basis. We believe in the success fee formula. We are very critical with whom we do business and only deal with professionals that understand the risk in the business well.
We have a team of global security people that can check companies and persons in world wide databases and have contacts with authorities if needed in case of a security exposure.
Also a unique formula we have is that we work on the basis of a virtual office concept. Our clients do not require that from us as they know the success fee approach and low overhead costs are key to that formula. We are in constant communication with our clients if need required.
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